Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another Late Night Job

Ah yes another day when once again i'm blogging at the weirdest and most ungodly time of the day. And as you might have guessed, its cause i'm at be honest though it is kind of a good change to be working at this hour. Few reasons really, for (1) There is no traffic and (2) Its nice and peaceful, finally (3) Its not hot as hell outside when i go for a ciggy break. It really has been a long time since i worked at weird hours. I used to have a part time job a long time ago at a cyber cafe...well you should know how that works, cafes don't close until the sun comes up for a few hours before it opens again for business.

Being an insomniac i think i can live with this kind of working hours actually, unfortunately today would be the last day that i get to work at this kind of hour till next month when i have to do this again for a day...sigh. Apparently my work just loves to fuck my time up. Now its just gonna be hell to get back to normal people time again, oh woe is me. Anyways today was pretty cool though, i managed to hang out with some of my customers for a bit and i guess we're roughly about the same age but me being the youngest. And we started talkin bout stuff that we grew up to and shit like that...All started because of Transformers. Its a pity that i don't have tickets to go watch them tomorrow when it opens...oh how i wish i had. Damn i think i better sleep...i still have to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Its 1.45am in the morning and i think i must be a mad man to be blogging at this hour, but what the hell i'm bored as hell waiting for the server administrator to give access to the server. What the hell could i be babbling about at a time like this? Well just to make things simple...i'm working, yes thats 1 fucking AM in the fucking morning.

It has been pretty long since i last posted anything at all, so seeing how i'm bored as hell with really nothing to do at all i thought that i'd might as well just do something productive by bitching to the whole world that my job requires me to work at this god forsaken hour....well sometimes anyway. Whole weeks is gonna be like this and it really pisses me off that i don't get paid extra for this shit. But oh well guess thats part of the job huh?

For those of you that are wondering...yeah i'm still very much alive, although i think i would consider myself to be barely alive. Things have been pretty much dead of late, i don't do much these days cept for work, sleep, know the usual. I don't hang out as much as i used to which is a good thing cause that way i can save me some money. Although it really doesn't seem to me that i have any

Sigh i just wish the administrator would hurry up and give me the access i need to do my job so i can get the fuck out of here and go home. Well i guess since i have to wait i'll just go read the Heroes graphic novel, hahaha....Oh btw, did i mention that Heroes rock!!!! I guess its been that long huh? Oh well....maybe now that i don't go out that much anymore i'll have more time to blog a.k.a bitch again...hahaha.