Wednesday, October 11, 2006


As everyday pass the day gets nearer...sigh i don't want it to come, i just want it to slip pass without me even knowing yet i can't seem to just ignore it. So how leh like that? Bah you know what i don't really have the energy to think of such tiny matters, my brain has more important things to think about then a day in a year. Ok on to other matters...I was stuck in what i would call the most horrific traffic jam in my life ever, well i'm sure some other people have been through worst but for me this has got to be it. At least in my own car la...considering that i didn't have a car for a long time and most of the time i'm probably sitting in some one elses car or more like sleeping in some one elses car, then yeah this was just fucked up.

And the weather man what the fuck is up with the weather...First its all totally fucking hot and sunny and the next minute it starts to rain, and i'm still thinking if the rain started because the clouds were beeing seeded or was it of natural causes? Well whatever it is its really making my car dirty and i hate it!!! Of course dirty la!! With all the cibai haze floating around and then rain so the dust sticks to your car when the water droplets dry up. Seriously Indonesia should fucking get their shit together man, every goddamn year its the same damn thing. Lucky i haven't actually felt really sick because of it unlike last year. Nevertheless i'm having my cough thanks to it la. Seriously though weather better start improving...and i mean soon!!! Like yesterday soon, else i'm really gonna get sick one day.

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