Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Experiences with Ronald McDonald

So i was at McDonalds the other day for dinner or supper don't really remember but i think it was more supper or yum cha since the damn place opens 24/7 now. Since there wasn't any space outside we had to sit inside for the time being (need to sit outside for smokes), so the plan was to sit inside and after whoever is done eating can go out and smoke and then come right back...I think it was something like 3 of us just went out and whats left at the table was another 3, with one more person on the way. While we were smoking some tables were now empty and so we just sat there while we were smoking and the rest just decided to come out and stay out. Well of course thats gonna work for me since the first 3 that went out (me included) are quite fond of the nicotine stick, when suddenly a friend decided to sit next to Mr. Ronald McDonald himself...or should i say on, lol. Here's a picture to make things clearer.

Apparently he said it was quite comfy to sit there, and if you follow the same posture as good ol' Mr. Ronald there it gets even better...erm, in a sense that its really comfortable la. Well obviously i didn't try it out la and no i won't try it anytime in the near future but i think i'll take his word for it. Of course then something ridiculous happen....
OMG!!! What is he doing!!??? look at Ronald McDonalds face....he's smiling from ear to ear!!! It must be something dirty isn't it!!??? Well no la, he just put his drink there and he's taking a sip...but what a great sport for taking his time drinking so that we could all take a snapshot of it. But i guess you already figured that one out.

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