Thursday, May 11, 2006

And now the weather report

And now for the weather report...raining, oh wait nope not raining....oh wait its raining, oh then again maybe not, oh theres the rain again....and there it goes again. The strangest thing that goes on around here is that the weather changes faster then you can change your undies i kid you not. But sometimes it looks like its gonna rain, with all the lightning and thunder and all that fine stuff that comes along with a nice heavy rain but you just wait and wait and wait and nothing happens. It has been so terrible hot here since i've got here that its seriously making it a chore to go out and eat. After a long day in the freaking cold server room you just don't really wanna go out and take a walk in the hot weather just to get food.

Unfortunately hotel food aren't even near affordable and to be honest i don't even think its that great, hell i'd rather just save the money on the food and bring it all back and have a great time back in KL. The nearest place that i can actually go to and eat from my hotel is roughly 1km away, staying in the hotel for too long isn't such a good idea as well because like i've said before there really isn't anything to do cept watch tv and use the WiFi which really sucks anyway. Even here at the office canteen the food is no wear near edible, and i'm already running out of choices here in the office. For some strange reason all the chicken that they serve here are really tough its like they're all made of rock or something....Its harder then the beef even.

Oh well theres only about 2 more days to go before i head home, tickets are already booked so confirm heading back on Saturday. Hrm, it looks like its gonna rain outside for real this time, gawd i hope it does rain. Need to settle a few things when i get back and then i might need to fly back here on monday again, sigh. Apparently there would be more projects soon in China or something, well i guess its time to brush up on some mandarin although i doubt that it'll help one bit at all but i guess its worth a shot la right. The supervisor of my department wants me to take over for the new projects already after this so thats gonna be a major challenge thats soon to come so i guess i'll have to read up on the product as well....well better get started and look busy.

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