Friday, May 19, 2006

So much for a long day.

No one should assume, why? Simply because it would make an 'Ass' out of 'u' and 'me', thats what someone once told me. Well so much for assuming that today is gonna be a long day, it actually turned out to be quite the opposite really. I was done and on the way home at 11.30am, now how is that for working hours. I would have gone to the office with my colleague but we made some calls and discovered that no one is there and we don't even know if the door was open so we decided to fuck it lets just go home then.

Today is probably the first time i actually took the public transport in 4 years, well this excludes the Bintulu trip la because that one everyday have to take...What to do no car there, and not like i know how to get around there anyway. So anyway i kinda forgot which was my stop so i bought a ticket and hopped on the train only to discover after 1 stop that i had actually bought the wrong ticket...I was like huh??? what two stops then i'm there??? this can't be right??? oh wait...oh course this ain't right i bought the wrong ticket...doh!!!

Got home all sweaty and shit thanks to this humidity we are all getting, sat down to relax a little then my tennant wanted to go out for lunch. Well since i haven't eaten yet i thought it was a good idea, but i had to rush cause someone else is waiting for us so i didn't really have time to take a shower and did i mention that today is espeacially humid, it ain't really hot but i've been sweating like a pig. Oh well and after all that i'm finally home, ahhh....the cold shower was so refreshing. If everyday were similar to this working would really rock.

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