Friday, June 09, 2006

Overdued Post

Ok this is like an overdue post, last thursday was my companys first ever dinner/gathering or whatever you wanna call it la. And so we had steamboat in sunway and i got there late so i didn't eat all that much, but then again i really don't eat much when it comes to steamboat...i don't know why but i never really fancied it all that much ler. But i've got to tell you right that steamboat restaurant that we were having our dinner in is packed, like damn fucking packed kinda packed...not very funny i tell you. There were like 2 our groups of people near ours that have like 2 to 3 tables and they wanted to take pictures and stuff so some of my colleagues offered to help them out la (of course they help la...sei ma lat lou!!! hahaha). And then they in turn offered to help us take a group pic without further ado here it is:

hrm...i wonder if its ok to put it up, lol.

Then after dinner we went to redbox....yes the goddamn karaoke place that everyone seems to love. Well not that i'm being discriminating or anything like that, i just never understood the joys of doing it or haven't understood whichever it may be. More then half the people actually already went home so there were only a few of us that were going to sing song, but when we got there we were told that there were no vacant rooms at the moment. So my boss was like ok we'll just come back later, lets just go up and have a drink first. Well i'll cut the story short and summarize it as i a little too much to drink, two and a half glasses of beer and about 5 cups of chivas.

As you can see from here...

...And here

What to do haven't been drinking in awhile, no more resistance towards alcohol. But considering that i did mixed two different drinks i was surprised that i didn't throw up. Well normally nothing would happen la but like i said damn long already never drink so i thought i would have la, but i didn't. Oh well we ended up leaving the place at 2.30am on a Friday morning, knowing that we have to wake up and go to work in a few hours time....crazy people. And just when i though my drinking quota of the week is done...Friday came, but that is another story.

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