Friday, November 18, 2005

A past resurfacing.

Two friends that i hang out with just broke up with their respective partners recently, coincidentally it both happen roughly around the same time, and both relationships also lasted around 6 years. And like every aftermath of a break up they are obviously feeling very down and depressed. So in order to stop thinking about it they call up their other friends (like me) to go out and have a few drinks, hang out and chill. Which i willingly oblige since i have nothing much to do anyway. But when we go out they talk about their problem and ask for advice on how to deal with the situation that thier in. Well i'm not an expert and advice that i can offer are things that everyone knows of already so its really up to them. But the problem is because of the constant talking of this kind of stuff i slowly got drawn back into an old case of mine and now i'm not feeling too good as well...dammit. Don't get me wrong though i'm not blaming anybody here, just this feeling just plain sucks. But let me get one thing straight, my problem is like history already, and i've gotten over it and all that stuff already....just that right now i'm starting to miss her all over again. To make matters worst, because my WoW account has been frozen i can't exactly occupy myself by playing games or anything so all this idle time that i have is really effecting me bit by bit. Fortunately i just got a whole lot of anime from a friend just yesterday, so i guess now i can keep myself occupied....i hope this thing don't last too long though, better yet i hope this feeling don't drag me into that bottomless pit that i was stuck in earlier this year again.

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