Thursday, January 11, 2007

First bad news for me?

Well my training trip to Singapore next week has been canceled, no apparent reason for the cancellation but i guess i am rather happy that it was called off reason being that at least now i don't have to spend too much. Initially my schedule for the beginning of the year seem to be very hectic and also very very expensive. I projected that i'd be broke for the next three to four months...this month included la, but now since the Singapore training was called off i get to save quite an amount there. Although from my career point of view this doesn't really bode too well la because from that point of view i'd love to go for as much training as i possibly can. But oh well, there's always a next time.

Oh well there is still always that Bali trip i have to look forward too, hrm....bungee jumping sounds like fun, although i fear that i might actually get an anxiety attack and die on the way down, lol. Now thats a one way to die don't you think...hahaha, ironic really. So anyway the first bad news of the year is that my phone fucked up....yeah my rm2k++ supposed state of the art hand phone (at that time) just decided to be all bitchy and died on me, so now i have to bring it back to the service center to get it fixed....sigh i hope this is a small problem and i can get this fixed as soon as possible. More importantly i hope i don't have to leave it at the service center for a few days or however long i just want it fixed on the spot....even if they can't do it i would expect they give me a temp mobile to use or something. Well what can i say...shit happens.

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