Sunday, June 11, 2006

Stressed in the bus

Well i don't usually blog on the weekend cause its suppose to be my rest day, but i've been so busy recently that i haven't really had the chance to blog at all. So i thought i'd just drop a line or two and give you all something to entertain yourself. It has come to my attention that this Hong Kong guy who was probably facing alot of stress (based on what he said), was so pissed off at this young kid for tapping his shoulder while he was talkin on the phone that he took it out on him by giving him what sounds like a lecture only your parents would give you (minus all the swear words la of course). So i'll just include the video for you guys to stream and have a laugh at it....some people are just so weird i tell you. Oh and for all you that don't understand, well you should just get someone to translate it for you la....cause i didn't understand it as well hahahaha!!!

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