Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Study Study Study

Ah yes its been awhile hasn't it...Well what can i say, i've been so absolutely busy recently with work and studies. My study breaks consist of releasing some stress by playing some games which require some killing involve, well obviously i'm doing all the killing la else i would be even more stress if i was the one getting killed right? Anyhow today i'm alone at work and it has been an utterly boring day cause i don't really have anyone to talk to here, and no i don't mean talk talk i mean talk as in 'How do you do this?' kind of talk.

Studying has seen some progress lately and i think after the more advanced implementation that we had recently (still on going i might add) i have gained some substantial knowledge to further increase my knowledge in the product. Well it wasn't really all that much to begin with anyway, however i'm still a long way off from being able to pass the paper...sigh this is so depressingly unmotivating. Besides the exam theres all that work although i've pretty much done my entire part i can't say that its completed yet, so still got quite a bit to go on that part.

On a good note i've been getting to work on time lately, hahaha....yeah thats something new, in a good way of course. Ok ok enough bout work, hey did you guys here that the new extremely highly anticipated next generation console is out in Japan, yup thats right i'm talking about the PS3. And did you see the queues that was generated due to its release??? Madness i tell you simply madess....if i were one of them i'd just wait until later to get one. But no thanks i really can't afford one anyway....its so expensive, what to do they just take the price and convert only how to not expensive.

Then theres people in America lining up camping outside the stores to get their PS3 Units not one, not two, not three but nine...yes nine fucking days ahead of the launch. I don't know i'm not much of a camping kind of person so there is no way in hell that i would sit out there in the blistering cold (Even though i love cold weather) for nine days just so i can say that i'm the first guy to buy a PS3 on this side of the planet. I'll probably just pay some guy to go camp there for me, now thats a plan and thats how things should be done.

Ok now i know i'm suppose to post up pics of the new notebook that i've just acquired (not with my money mind you), but unfortunately i can't really do that now so i think i'll just edit this post later and post it up as well as alter this last paragraph. So this is the pre pictures post...stay tuned for the post pictures post....nah don't its just pictures, not like its a new sports car or something of that magnitude, well looks like i better get back to studying.


Yes its not the much sought after Intel Core 2 Duo.


juli said...

all the best in your exam, eugene!!!

***good luck hug***


Why thats very sweet of you...thanks. Will save it for when i go for the damn exam ;)