Friday, July 21, 2006


Woohoo, weekend is here. Initially i had to work over the weekend but management had some change of plan and so i'm free to sit back and chill over the weekend. That means i get to raid!!! mwahahaha, hrm...not today thoug damn tired, haven't been getting enough sleep thanks to the weather. Eh wait a sec, oh shit i just remembered i had some work to finish by monday...oh well there goes the plan. I'll probably be able to finish it in 1 day if i were hardworking enough, but knowing myself i'll probably slack a little here and there and get it done by monday instead. Then again i don't really have anything planned out for this weekend so what the hell i'll probably have a considerable amount of time on my hands to finish up whatever it is i have to do anyway, so its really no biggy.

Oh and since its the weekend maybe i should drag someone with me to go look for a new washing machine. Although i'd rather just send all my clothes to the cleaners at least thats so much easier, all you have to do is drop them off and pick it up whenever its ready. No need to put soap and the hang it out to dry, better yet don't have to worry bout it when its going to rain. Sigh i'm tired again that i don't feel like doing anything even though i haven't had my dinner yet, and its the weekend too. This I should go look for someone to teman me go eat or something if not i guess i'll just tar pow some food and be miserably lonely while having my dinner and watching some anime till i get too tired and fall asleep....sniff sniff, so sad....yeah right :P

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