Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Backstroke of the West

Ok this damn thing is pretty old, but for those of you that don't know about it yet you should really check it out its absolutely hilarious. So what is this 'the backstroke of the west"? Well its actually Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith, "the backstroke of the west" happens to be the translation from chinese to english thats on the dvd. Now i bet you're wondering how or what in heavens name has backstroke of the west got anything to do with star wars...well you see i'm guessing that some fool decided to let a moron do the subtitles for the dvd, and i'm pretty sure that the script was in chinese or something. So the moron (being a moron that he is) translated the chinese dialogue into english directly...Yup directly.

Don't ask me to explain to you how he got backstroke of the west though cause my mandarin really ain't that good, hell i guess its even suffice to say that i don't know mandarin. So anyway, i thought that watching movies here in malaysia were hilarious with the titles being translated into BM (national language), but damn!!! these chinese people sure showed me, i can't remember laughing so loud in a long time. Star wars ep 3 was like a total action movie but with this i'd say it made a complete 360 turn and became a comedy instead...of course if you read it the show won't make sense whatsoever, but nevertheless its still funny as hell. If you speak mandarin try translating it back and i'd probably sound without further ado you can check it out at Star Wars III: The Backstroke of The West!!!

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