Friday, December 09, 2005


Sigh its so sad when i visit some of my daily readings, to be more specific the some happens to fall to all those APIIT'ians that have already graduated. I'm not sad by the fact that they graduated earlier then me, that has been a fact ever since i was still in Uni so it doesn't change much. I'm sad because our convocation is on the same day...Now i'd bet that you're wonderin how can i possibly be sad when the convocation happens to fall on the same day, after all its a good time to meet up with old friends and fellow seniors that were once my classmates, on top of that its suppose to be a happy day since this happens to be a once in a life time event....a milestone even.

Well to cut the story short due to my slacking during the last two to three months of uni, i unfortunately have to re-do some stuff before i can be awarded my degree. So therefore my convocation would be postponed till next year, if i'm not wrong should be somewhere around march...I think. What could possibly be so bad its just a few months only what right??? Yeah well that may be true la but the thing is i don't really know anyone from that batch...wait let me take that back, i DON'T know anyone from that batch, hrm...yeah that sounds more like it. So with that said, how can i not be sad....who gonna happy happy with me during the damn convo. Makes me don't wanna go, but its a once in a life time thing!!! Oh well, not like my parents would be free to attend with me anyway.

You know what fuck it, doesn't really make a damn difference if i go or not....either way i'll still get the most important thing. If you really think about it right, the only thing i don't get is the damn picture of myself with the gown, lol. The brightside would be i get to save money, no need to pay for the gown, no need to pay for whatever that needs to be paid...and i couldn't be bothered to shake hands with people i hardly know. So yeah i guess its settled then i'll just stay at home and don't go...and with all that money saved i think i'd rather use that money to get myself a scrumptious meal now that my friends is what i call a plan!!! hahaha!!!

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