Friday, September 08, 2006

Busy Month

It would seem that this month is gonna be a pretty busy month for me, excluding the work that is. A dear friend of mine just came back from Hong Kong lately and i went to meet her last night, well to be honest it wasn't as long as i expected it to be. I would have liked to chat with her a little longer, but oh well its not like there isn't a next time or anything right? Then end of the month my best friend would be coming back, and of course there is tomorrow...gonna meet up with splashmilk along with Wimal....hahaha. And once again its like i said this is all excluding the work stuff, if you wanna add that in then there is gonna be like a training session towards the end of the month and then theres all the traveling to Banting that still needs to be done and then there are a few projects that have been postponed (thank god) for now. If those projects went live now hell i don't know if i even can sleep already, lol. But its all good at least all these stuff is keeping me busy...i bet it beats the hell out of bitching about nothing to do right. Hrm, thinkin bout washing my car again this weekend....don't know if its such a good idea though.


juli said...

i now know who to call when i need a car washed...


don't cause i charge labor, and its not gonna be very welcoming to YOUR wallet...although my wallet will be happy. :P