Friday, September 01, 2006

Washing my car.

Phew i'm bloody goddamn tired, i've been washing my car for the first time in erm....a very long time. Yeah i used to wash my mom's car when i was younger for extra cash but i haven't done that in more then 10 years. Well its not really the first time i wash my own car, imagine if that were true my car would probably be so dirty that dirt wouldn't even go near it. I think i've gotten the car washed 3 times before today, but this is the first time that i did it myself....well i mean i'd better do it la considering that i spend almost a 100 bucks on car care products and some more thats not the end of it. Yup that ain't all i'm gonna spend...its just that i couldn't afford all the stuff last month, so i think i'll go get some of the other stuff later today or tomorrow or something. Fuck this is blowing a hole in my pocket...But the satisfaction of seeing my car all nice and shinny is just out of this world...LOL. Ok ok, i'll go take a rest...i'm so beat my hands can barely move right now, great feeling though.

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