Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Its odd then when i thought that i am back in civilization i thought everything is all good and go my way. But i guess life is strange like that isn't it, it always has some strange way of throwing a curve ball at you when you would least expect it. Anyways i got sick yesterday with a really bad sore throat and my body seems to be like burning up although oddly enough i don't have a fever and i'm coughing really badly and really thick phlegm. So i didn't go to work for the pass two days, it seemed to have been ok last night actually but when i woke up this morning it was all back again so i had to call my colleague to cancel meeting up with him.

Right now i feel like i'm back to normal cept for the little stuff still lingering behind, like the phlegm and coughing...Sorethroat is still there but not as bad as this morning or the previous day. I hope this don't repeat tomorrow cause i really don't wanna make a bad impression or anything. Fever is gone though so its a good thing, if this remains i'll still go to work la i guess. Maybe its the weather its been really hot lately and i don't know i can't really stand the humidity and all la, plus like i've said earlier i have to sit in a server room which is normally freezing cold so the constant change in temperature could really effect me. Well i better go get some more rest so that i can really be refreshed tomorrow or something, don't wanna be calling off work for another day.

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