Monday, May 08, 2006

Updates from the east.

After being here for almost a whole week now i conclude that this place has daylight savings...seriously. Well if they don't then they sure as hell make you feel like there is anyway. Apparently the locals here wake up at about 5am and go to work at about 7am, finish work at around 4pm, and almost all the shops are closed before 9pm. If you happen to be in the town at about 9pm it'd actually give you the impression that it is already almost midnight.

I've also mentioned previously that this place is dead boring, there is absolutely nothing to do, in someways its kinda like an ideal working environment, because there really isn't that much to distract you. Hell even WoW couldn't distract me here....the reason being the crappy internet connection which fluctuates a lot. Yesterday was probably my only off day so i actually just lazed in the hotel room watching TV all day, i watched the same episodes of CSI not once, but lame is that.

However i did manage to go out and catch a movie...yes i went to watch MI3 yesterday. You know if the cinemas back in KL and PJ were this easy to get good seats, i think i'll probably watch every movie that comes to the cinema...the place was practically empty, and not to mention relatively small. How small??? Well its roughly the size of a classroom if you all remember how big that is, and because of how small it is and how empty it is the place is cold....freezing cold even.

Oh i forgot to mention i found the cheapest ciggarettes you can find in the entire malaysia, well at least packed ciggarettes la. If you think rm5.50 is cheap wait till you come here to get your ciggies...i bought myself a big pack of smokes for an amazing price of RM2 only!!! Yes 2 bucks for, i could just light this thing, take a puff and then throw it away and i wouldn't feel a thing. Hell its even cheaper to when i first started to smoke, and let me remind you that was a very very long time ago and ciggies were way cheaper back then...but hell this one just showed me a new definition of killing your lungs, lol.

With the constant going in and out of the extremely cold server room, my body had to constantly adapt the the change in temperature...going out to eat lunch is now a seemingly bad idea cause its really hot and its really stuff in the cafeteria, with that said i think i'm getting sick. Oh well i only have to withstand until end of this week max before its all least i hope so, i really wanna go home. I miss my internet and my make shift bed already.

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