Monday, May 23, 2005

The holidays end with a good deed :)

Well finally my holiday has come to and end, it saddens me that i won't be as free as i was anymore. And you know i just only realise that i actually have alot to do, hrm...i'm just thinking how the hell did i manage to put off so much and only to realise that now??? But anyway for me this holiday definately ended in a good note, not really for me but for what i have done for others. You see i have manage to do the world a great deed, this is actually related to two previous posts some sick friends and does anyone believe in karma. I managed to rid this world of yet another sick and demented bastard from stalking our beautiful ladies...yes i manage to make a rapist change his ways and repent!!! Mwahahaha.....If you onli knew the poooowwaaahhh of blog!!! So this is what happened, remember in my earlier post i said i had some sick friend with some serial rapist tendencies? And you know how karma can come back to haunt you and your punishment can be returned to about 10 times(max) for the crimes you have committed?Well it had came to his attention that if he got caught and sent to jail, he would like get some SERIOUS ass raping sessions...LOL!!! Think about it if he actually did rape even a single girl to satisfy his carnal lust, then in prison he would get a maximum of 10 guys raping his you'll be like traumatized forever, hell i think just one guy raping his ass would be enough to traumatize him forever considering the fact that he is soooo homophobic. So now when everytime a hot looking girl walks pass and his lust starts churning into a frenzy he would always think about jail to suppress his impure thoughts. Although he is actually still trying to get a hang of it, so once in awhile my friends and i would remind him of know just incase he forgets. With that i think i have served society greatly by slightly reducing the potential rape cases. Hrm, i think slightly is too big...i mean he is just one guy so its kinda insignificant but nevertheless i did stop one, so yeah...mwahahaha!!!

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