Friday, May 20, 2005

So uneventful....sigh!!!

Hey did you guys realise that today is a very special day? Why??? Well cause the date is like 20th May 2005...or better put as 20052005. Its like a once in a lifetime kinda thing!!! Can you imagine a child born on this day, his IC number would be so cool how i envy him, lol. Speaking of dates you know i'm so happy that i actually got to see and live through a turn of a century and also more importantly a millennium. I mean seriously, how many people can actually say that. Well anyways yet another uneventful day passed, nothing much happened...Although i did manage to meet up with some old friends for some drinks and catch up so its all good. My semester break is coming to and end, sobz!!! Sigh, i know i've been complaining that its like so boring and all...but i just can't really see the holidays coming to an end and getting back to all those never ending projects and stuff. Speaking of which i think i should really start picking up the pace on my FYP...been procrastinating too much already, shit i'm just gonna be payin the price for all this procrastinating. Well anyways have a great weekend people...hope you guys have a better weekend then mine ;)

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