Monday, May 02, 2005

Is it just me???

I have been wondering lately, is it really hot these days or is it just me? Just yesterday wimal, loren, leonard, shirley and i was in 1utama chilling in starbucks when we started to sweat. It was so hot that air conditioned areas were like heaven or something, fortunately we decided to watch a movie and i'm sure everyone knows how cold a cinema could get. The best part is it actually rained yesterday, and even that didn't seem to help at all. As a matter of fact it felt worst because of all the humidity and the heat vapours it created. But then again maybe it was just because we went up to genting the like two days ago and we miss the weather up there, hahahaha....oh well. Anyways i hope that i don't get sick cause of the weather, the last time the weather was like this i got sick like twice in the span of three weeks.

1 comment:

Wimal said...

ITS FARKING HOT LAH!! Can't even get to my car without sweating.