Sunday, July 17, 2005

If you can do it!!! Then so can i!!!

Oh darn, so fast and the weekend is already coming to an end and that would mean my 1 week break is also comin to an end. You know its really funny that when you're in school you always look forward to the holidays but when it finally arrives you just can't wait for school to start again. Citing boredom as the number one reason as to why you want to go back to school, and finally when in school we will always complain about all the work and shit that we get in school and that we can't wait for the holidays to come. Strange isn't it...goes to show how fickle minded we humans really are. Well as i've been saying in my past few entries for a good week or two i'm running out of time to finish my work, so at this very moment i would definately wish time would stop for an indefinate period so that i could at least complete a substantial amount of work. Nah....not gonna happen, hell i even know what would happen if that wish came true. You see if i knew i had the power to stop time i would just do it and then procrastinate again and again and again and nothing will be accomplished at the end of the day, and when finally all my wishes have been used up i'd still be left out to hang. Not gonna make a fucking difference isn't it? I'd rather just let time go by and make the best out of it. If someone else can do then why can't i right...yeah so thats what i'm gonna do, i'm gonna push myself to the very limits to accomplish what i've been set out to do. Which reminds me of a story, and it goes a little something like this:

2 guys were sitting on a big rock placed next to a stream...smoking and bored as hell they just stared blankly into the pond beneath their feet, when suddenly one of them said...

J: Hey see the sand at the bottom of the pond?
CS: Yeah...what about it?
J: I'll give you 10 bucks if you would take a handful of that sand and keep it in your mouth for 10 seconds.
CS: Hrm....ok you're on!!!

10 seconds later...

CS: Pui, pui, pui....ok where's my 10 bucks!!!???
J: Fuck you if you can do then so can i!!!

Another 10 seconds later...

J: Pui, pui, pui...ok now we're even!!! hahahaha!!!
CS: WTH!!!??? Like that also can!!

*Note* :- The pond is in a public park and god knows what the hell is in that pond or whats been in there. Bunch of sick bastards!!! hahaha.

But yeah see, if these guys are brain dead enough to put some sand in their mouth not knowing what has been in there to contaminate to water and what not...then i really don't see a problem putting myself out on a lifeline to get this done and over with, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter what i do now but what i have done and achieved.

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