Friday, March 31, 2006


Since the longest of time i've always slept like a pig...seriously, i used to tell people that i don't sleep but instead i hibernate. I think it was way back when i just came outta high school when it started, back then i remember i would sleep for like 10 to 12 hours. But during those days it didn't really matter cause i finished school and there really isn't anything to do and all...So i would wake up around the evenings and go out and play some sports, go home have dinner, chill then wait till everyones asleep and then sneak out of the house to do whatever there is to do. If i can recall i think i used to go to the arcades back then (which are virtually non existant now), and the hang out at the mamak till early mornings but i remember that i must always reach home before my parents wakes up.

So ever since those young days i have been sleeping for tremendously long hours, one of the reason was because i used to pull up all nighters (my guess la). I've even gone as far as staying up for 3 whole days....I remember after the third day i just dropped on my bed and died, lol. And the longest i've slept would be over 24 hours....yes you heard me, no wake ups in between to go the pisser, no water to rehydrate my body and certainly no food. But please don't try sleeping that really isn't very nice when you wake up after that long. As a matter of fact if you sleep more then 12 hours you're already gonnna feel shitty when you wake up...but 24 hours is just a killer la. When you wake up it kinda feels like you just wanna go back to bed, although you feel like you're damn hungry, damn thristy and you gotta go for a bio relief all at the same time.

The one thing that i really regret doing all those is that it really fucked up my body, as in now i can't pull all nighters anymore....approaching 20 hours and i'll be dead as a zombie, not forgetting that i get very easily agitated and blah blah blah. But i still sleep for long hours, thats something i never seem to be able to get rid off. Lately though i've been sleeping really late, but i'm waking up on time....well not really on time like a normal person but within 6-8 hours of sleep i'll wake up automatically. This obviously has happened before la, but normally its because my bio clock is so fucked up it just happens for like a day or two only. This time though i've been like a normal person for almost 2 weeks already, which is a good thing...But somehow i feel like i'm just gonna fuck things up again, sigh.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bitching and whining.

So i was looking for a job and all right, and there were a few that i was interested in but then some were like from big Multinationals...hrm, make it most of the ones that i was interested in anyway. And i didn't apply for them...I guess the main reason why i didn't do so is because i don't have my degree yet. I wanna be prepared you know, not like some half assed kinda person (which i am mind you, at least for now), before i actually attempt to step into such an important change thats gonna take place la. I don't know maybe i'm going about this thing with the wrong approach...i don't feel confident about applying for what i want where i want, and thats really a problem. Solution? I don't know...Well its not really i don't know la, its more like i know, but i don't want to do it.

Damn good right, i complain and whine and whine about how i should be getting a job and being afraid of applying for most of the jobs but can't due to some issues that were stated above and then at the end of the day when it comes to the solution i say i don't wanna do it....WTF!!??? Sigh...Sometimes i just can't seem to understand my recklessness also. If i put things into perspective my life isn't going anywhere...really, nothing. There isn't any growth whatsoever, and thats not just from one or two aspects its practically from all aspects. So to be honest instead of improving ones life in as many ways that one can...i on the other hand simply insist to deteriorate my own. But strangely enough...i'm happy, gawd that is just so not healthy. Ok...set new goal, after my vacation my goal is to switch into serious mode and get something done.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Should learn to cook.

Sigh another day that i didn't eat, and people wonder why the hell am i so damn thing and small. I guess thats mainly why, i don't eat my meals properly. I usually have lunch at around 3pm but sometimes earlier on the plus side at least that would last for awhile so i don't really need to go have dinner early or anything. Breakfast much as i would love to have breakfast i tend to skip breakfast because i'll most likely be asleep or theres no one to go breakfast with. This is gonna be really bad for me in the long run....i can already feel my stomach shrinking and all those gastric juices boiling up like a volcano. And i know the moment i'm gonna throw something into my stomach the whole damn thing is gonna explode...always happens, not a very nice feeling...hurts like hell too.

Maybe i really should take some time off to learn how to cook, at least then i could always do something when i'm in need of some grub. Unfortunately right now there really isn't anything in the house for me to cook, well besides the packets of instant noodles which i don't really wanna eat. I've been eating that shit for quite abit recently so i'm getting really really sick of it. One problem about this whole thing is, i don't where to start...i don't do groceries shopping so i wouldn't have the slightest idea of what to buy or how to choose and blah blah blah. Thinking about it is already a hassle how much more asking me to go out and do it. If i were already used to it i guess that would be a different story la right, oh well guess i would have to learn one way or another. I'll probably get food poisoning on my first I guess if i can't find someone to go out with for lunch later today then i should really go and get some stuff to stock up at home in case of shit happening like last night.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Holiday Coming

Remember when i was talking about going on a holiday and all, well that long overdue holiday is nearing. Got a call late last night from my mom and she said i can go on a holiday, and thats without me even asking. Hrm...It was like she could read my mind, hehehe. First things first though i have to talk with my sister and see what are her plans and things like that, cause mom asked if we both wanted to meet up and shit. And if we were to meet up then i'd be heading to the UK...Hrm, doesn't sound very interesting. Maybe cause i don't know anyone there and furthermore everything in the UK is damn blardee expensive.

The alternative destination (and also my prefered choice) would be Australia, after many many many years of waiting and telling my friends in Australia that i'm coming (and eventually not going) well looks like this time is for real ler. Although i still don't have any details about this holiday thing yet, but i'll be sure to get my lazy ass for my pc and stop WoW for awhile to get all the necessary information and find out how much and all that important shit. But whatever it is i still have to wait for my sister to reply me so i still have to wait on her to see how things are gonna work out.

Hrm, i'm now wondering where am i gonna get money to ber happy happy over there? The air ticket will be taken care of by my mom so thats one thing out of the way, now all thats left is spending money. Its not like i have anything saved up or anything like that so how? Oh well, we'll take this a step at a time la, i think i'll just be happy going there and taking a break from my daily boring routine...Although i hope i can like secure a job before i actually leave at least i come back fresh and all prepped up to work.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Network? PC? Hardware? Whats Wrong??

Crap i thik i woke up a little too early for my own good today. Yes i know its already most normal people would have woken up and blah blah blah, well i'm not a normal guy ok. Judging from the looks of things now i think i'll definately need to take a nap sometime later in the afternoon, afterall today is a weekend and weekends usually tend to be a longer day...well longer day meaning you wanna do more la, but it really is shorter or feels shorter. I'm sure those that are working will agree with me.

Anyway i have this serious connection problem and i really don't know whats wrong...maybe you some of you out there might be able to help me. Every time i play WoW and i'm doing my own stuff and all that where usually there's no one around, everything will be fine and there won't be any latency issues. But the moment i go near a place where the activity is very high my pc will lag, thats actually very normal considering my pc isn't actually a very good one. However the latency would jump as though the packets were never sent out or something.

I have a problem trying to find out what is the cause of this issue, my best guess would be that everytime the packet size increases all of a sudden the connection will fuck up. But the real issue is if this is a connection issue, pc issue or is it my router/mode/hardware thats causing all problems. I have already updated my drivers...In another similar problem, my pc or my router tends to drop my connection when i overload it with torrents...Like if there are too many connections. And everytime that happens i have to reset my router and modem to get the line up and running again, its just so irritating. Maybe i should just format everything and start up fresh.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Too tired and forgetful.

I'm getting too forgetful for my own good, i know i was suppose to blog about something but now that i'm sitting here i can't remember what it was. In addition to that i have to call up my aunt to tell her some stuff, but every single day i keep rushing to do some other chores and at the end of the day i forget to call my aunt. Now how fucked up is that? Very soon probably in a few years from now i'll even forget to eat....Nah!!! highly unlikely.

I can't really remember what i did yesterday but whatever it is it has left my entire body drained, i feel so tired as though someone beat the hell out of me while i was still sleeping. And just because of that i don't feel like doing anything today, of course i know that i'll be regretting this later la...But who cares!!! Anyway there really isn't anything for me to do thats productive towards myself...I don't consider playing WoW to be productive, hrm...i think if i were to rate it on a productivity chart, it would be on the same page as sleeping.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Renault F1 Party

Eventually i didn't go to the Renault F1 Party where DJ Tiesto was spinning. It was indeed something that i had to think about long and hard, of course i wanted to go i mean after all it is Tiesto we're talking about. It would be great if i could at least hear him spin live just at least once, now then what the hell stopped me. To be honest i think i'm getting too old for rave parties...If i remember correctly the last time ever i went to an open air rave party was back in 2000, i still can remember bits and pieces of it but i was still much younger then. Meaning more energy, more hyper...For some reason i really can't see myself going to a rave now, i just wouldn't know how to enjoy. Most likely i would have just walked around looking for a spot thats not too packed, then i'll just sit there and 'layan' the music and maybe dance once in awhile before sitting down again. I think i'd just rather go to a club.

But the biggest reason i didn't wanna go is because i had no one to go with. Don't get me wrong i had plenty of friends that went, but none of which i would be comfortable with. Its not like i hate them or have problems with them or shit like that...on the contrary its the total opposite, its just that i don't feel comfortable going to a rave with them. I have an idea of who i would go with la, but unfortunately that particular friend is not around la, oh well doesn't really matter. Now if only Mushroom would come to malaysia...hell i think i'll crawl my way to where ever they were playing if i had to. I should keep in mind that when i visit a foreign country one of the things that i must do is visit the local clubbing scene, that was something i never did when i was in America a few years back...Oh such a waste. I think its really nice to see how different cultures affect the way the people party, and how they dance and shit like that...Oh well, maybe i'll be able to see Tiesto spin sometime in the future so i really didn't miss anything.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Juicy Sex Story

If you were expecting to read some juicy sex story then i'm sorry to disappoint you, but you've been had (Anyway what made you think there was gonna be a juicy sex story...perv :P)...FOOOOLLLLEEEDDD YYYOOOOOUUUUU!!!! This is actually about some sort of a request (again i'll repeat...some sort) from a friend. Late last week a friend of mine and i were having a chat over MSN when she noticed that i had my blog url right next to my MSN name (The part where it actually shows what song you're listening to). Obviously like any curious person out there she dropped by and started to read all my entries...yes ALL. Finally after awhile she commented on my blog personally la, and its only about one thing...

Her: Eh where is all the scandals?
Me:Huh? Scandals?
Her: know every famous blog got some sort of scandal one or some controversy
Me: Erm....and?
Her: Yours don't have mar!!! You should put some ler.
Me: So you want me to put up some like Juicy sex stories la??
Her: Yeah yeah!!! hehehe
Me: ......
Me: Then when are you gonna introduce some single hot ladies to me so i can make some juicy sex stories?

Ok i'll end it there...but basically that was it la, so what do you guys think? Want me to add some juicy sex stories ar? Fuck i don't even talk about my relationships here let alone my sex life right...But if you guys do wanna hear some juicy sex story let me know, i'll go look for some on the net and post it here or something. Editted ala Jetyr, you know like change the names and stuff cause supposedly i'm telling you guys about what happened to me mar right. At least that way it becomes more believable...ooops!!! did i just say that out loud? Dang!!! there goes my secret.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Birthday and crab

Yesterday was a friends birthday and so we went to eat crab...i haven't had crab in a very very very long time, infact it has been so long since i last went to eat crab that i can't even remember anything about eating crab. So how does it feel like to finally eat crab after so long....well its simply fantastic. I think we kinda over ordered as well, on the crab part that is...There were five of us and we called like 5kilos of crab, so 1 kilo per person. But then again i told the table that for a normal person it would probably be too much, however we were far from normal. Meaning that we actually a bit of a monster when we eat...and its not the way we eat mind you, its the amount we eat thats like a monster. Well we were hungry after i guess its not really a big deal la. And so thank you for the dinner last night...and again happy birthday.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I am so sad, i just got myself stereotyped as a gamer....sniff sniff, if you think about it, its not really all that bad because i do enjoy playing games, and i've been playing alot of WoW lately. But on top of that i do enjoy a variety of games, and i learn fast....real fast, well maybe not as fast as some people but fast enough la. However i've never really been the type to master a game in practical form anyway...i'll know what to do in what situation and blah blah blah, but i just can't do it.

Anyways was talking to a friend on MSN earlier today and she just found out that i blogged, so she dropped by to see what kind of nonsense i've been blogging about. And the first thing she said was 'You don't seem like the type that blogs'. Why she said that? Well because she always had this picture that i'm a gamer. And what does that mean...well to her it means that i cuss like a pirate alot, and in chinese.

A few examples of what she meant would probably sound something along these lines:

  • "KNNCCB fucking alliance only know how to gank ppl"
  • "tiu wtf is wrong with my line!!!"
  • "mch streamyx make me die"
  • "CB alliance"
  • "MH i lost the roll"
More or less la, just use your imagination to figure out all those abbreviations i'm sure you know. I'd admit though, that i have said many of those things on more then one occasion, but nevertheless i still saddened by the fact that i'm view as one....makes me seem very 'ah beng' and very 'no life' (well thats true la i quite the no life la..but thats besides the point). Sniff sniff, now i'll get nightmares when i how!!???

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Holiday needed

I was told by a good friend of mine that i should go on a a matter of fact he went as far as saying that i NEED to go on a holiday. Funny thats what i've been telling myself for the past god knows how many months, problem is i don't have the funds to go somewhere i wanna go. But i was thinking now that i can't actually get a car loan until i start working for at least 3 months then i guess i should just use the down payment for the car and go on a holiday. Its too bad that another good friend of mine just returned from Japan, damn i'd love to go least once anyway.

Probably the only place that i'd love to visit is Australia...why? well i don't know...As far as i can remember there are more Malaysians going to Australia to study then illegal immigrants trying to get into Malaysia. So i guess thats why i wanna go to Australia...its like an innate calling, and it must come from being a Malaysian. No la, i really wanna go there so i can visit my best two of them there some more, so all the more reason to go.

I don't wanna go to the US again, i've already been there twice...and thats two different places mind you. The only other place left in America that i wanna visit would be Florida, i've already been to the rest of the places that i'd wanna visit. I won't mind going back there one day....but i'd just wanna go some place else first. Now the only problem left is to convince mom that i NEED to go on a holiday...If thats settled then i have to start arranging accomodations over there, much hassle, don't want to go la like that...hahaha!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Too much

You know how people always say that too much of something is not good. Well i used to tell people that they've been playing too much of a certain game when they come telling me that they've been dreaming about stuff from the game. As of late last week i told myself that...that i have been playing too much, simply because i have started dreaming about WoW stuff. This is the first time ever that i have dreamt about a game....and it was terrifying. Not only was it just an ordinary dream, it was a nightmare. I woke up with my heart still pounding and to make things worst i got another nightmare the next day. So yes, thats what i have been doing lately...playing WoW, too much for my own good i'd say and i think i'd better take a rest from the game before things start getting out of hand.

This weekend DJ Tiesto will be spinning at KLIA...hrm, i kinda feel half hearted to go. It has been so god damn long since i've last been to a rave that i don't really know how is it like anymore...Like where the hell do i get the drinks? I don't want to be drowning myself with beer....after all i hate beer. But i doubt that there would be many tables around or anything like that so hows a bottle gonna work if you intend to get one? On top of that i'm kinda broke to go...well unless of course someone wants to sponsor some raving funds for me la, now that would be a different story. Oh well i'll know if i'm going by Friday...too bad it isn't Infected Mushroom thats coming down, hell i'd crawl to KLIA if it were them, lol!!! At least once i'd love to see them spin live. So jealous of you peeps that are in Australia, at least you get to see them....i don't care if you like them or not the point is at least you have the option of going to see them. I'd have to spend thousands just to see them if i wanted to go....Buy plane ticket la, then arrange living accommodations la, and blah blah blah. Wah too much of a hassle la...oh well, guess if it were meant to be then i'd see them, if not....well tough luck.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

X-Men 3

Sigh once again today happens to be another day that i have no idea what to blog about, i'll give credit to by boring lifestyle for that reason...although not a very good reason to begin with, but its still MY reason regardless. So for today i think i'll just leave you with a movie trailer that i'm really looking forward to be catching in the near future...X-Men 3. It really looks good, and the story would most likely be about the 'Dark Pheonix Saga'. I wouldn't really know cause i never really got my hands on that issue to know the story and i really couldn't be bothered to look for it now after so god damn long...But anyways enjoy the trailer.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Live Action Drama at 3am in an Underpass

It was about 3am on a Sunday morning when a friend was dropping me home after a late 'yum cha' session. At that kind of hour there is bound to be some mad drunk fellas driving at what they might presume as the speed of light, it always happens and that early sunday morning didn't prove to be any different. It was along the LDP highway we were in the slow lane taking our own sweet time as we were in no rush whatsoever to get home, and just when we approached the LDP underpass (at DU) a Proton Gen2 on the fast lane that was speeding hit a small puddle of water. And immediately the tail of the car swung...This was mainly because the underpass happens to be a tunnel that curves with little dips in the road. The driver must have not been holding his steering wheel tight, or if that weren't the case then he should really think about changing his tyres if he intends to drive that fast again.

So anyway, right after the driver lost control of the car (which was exactly right beside us) my friend was quick enough to press on the brakes. The Gen2 proceeded to skid, entering our lane and slam into the wall. However due to the speed he was travelling in the impact was not enough to stop his car and because the driver reacted to counter-steering the car, the car then swung right and slammed into the divider before finally swinging back to the left lane and slamming hard against the wall...and then and only then did it stop. As we passed the wrecked Gen2 in and underground tunnel we took a peek to see the condition of the driver and passengers, and we only saw a single person in the car who happens to be in the front passenger seat and was definately unconscious. Either the driver wasn't wearing his seat belt and got thrown into the passenger seat or that is indeed the passenger with the driver no where to be found. We were moving very slowly out of the tunnel when a man started to run in our direction (against traffic) on our lane...and to our surprise there was another accident that occured at the top of the underpass.

Talk about some live action shit happening right in front of your face. I know that we were both just dumbstruck when that happened, we just sat in the car that was travelling no faster then a crawl, and we just witness something that you'd probably only see in the movies. We were grateful however that the guy actually counter-steered his car (although bad for him), because if he didn't the car would have just spun out of control and the chances of his car turning to against ours would be highly probable. And if that really were to happen i wouldn't be blogging about this right now in the comfort of my own home...hell i don't even know where i'd be if that really happen. So lessons to be learnt, never speed on roads that you aren't familiar with...if he were to have known the road better he would have known that there was a small dip which can cause a driver to loose control at such high speeds. Another lesson is get better tyres la if you wanna ber-racing racing all, so small puddle of water also the car loose grip already meh??? Of course the best lesson to be learnt is don't speed with that i'm gonna sign off with some words of wisdom.

"Ingat Jalan Raya bukan Litar Lumba"

Friday, March 10, 2006

Coughing...owww, my throat hurts :(

Good news is i didn't get sick, just a slight migrane which was gone by the time i woke up today. I think i had been sitting down in front of the computer screen for too long, that would be my guess on how i got that massive migrane. But i still got this really bad cough, espeacially during the mornings or right before i go to bed. Like yesterday, i was about to go to bed when my throat had is really really irritating feeling and i just needed to cough so badly. Submitting into its demands i ended up coughing so much that anymore and i would be coughing out blood. I can even feel the rawness inside my that was a sucky feeling, and once again the smoking that i've been doing isn't making it better.

Hrm, cough syrups are now my best friend....Gawd saying that makes me feel like a druggie or something, hahaha....For a second there i actually imagined myself walking around the house or sitting in front of the computer doing whatever it is that i do with a bottle of cough mixture, smiling 24/7 because i'm high. Erm, but seriously i'm not gonna take whole does just like that...But i can assure you that taking a large quantity of cough mixture can definately make you high, how'd i know. Well i actually accidentally took too much at one go once a long time ago. I was young and stupid and thought that a larger amount would help make the cough go away faster and i drank the mixture straight out from the bottle. If i remember right i think i drank a quarter of it in one go...Lol, my head was swooning for the whole day. Erm, kids don't try this at home.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nose Gargle?

Bleh my mind is still pretty much blank...and i feel like i'm gonna get sick...again. Hrm, maybe i got a viral fever. Oh well whatever it is, i hope its just my paranoid self getting the better of me because honestly i really have no intentions to get sick (again) anytime soon. Not that its gonna affect anything i'm doing or anything like that, its just it'll be really shitty cause i won't be able to go out and i'll have to rely on friends to 'ta pow' food for me.

I was surfing around few days ago when i came across some strange product, its nose know like listerin cept that its for your nose. It comes in some little plastic thingy pretty much like eye-mo, and what you do is you squeeze the damn thing into your nostril and let it settle for awhile. Then you kinda like sniff it in into your mouth and spit it out....Hrm, just sounds wrong. For starters it sounds really painful to suck in some form on water from your nose (try that when swimming...see if you like it :P). And secondly its kinda gross to bring all the "contaminated" solution into your mouth and spit it out.....ewww!!! If you're interested though i read that from here. There's even i link to a commercial or something like that, check it out if you're interested.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bored with a dilemma

Uh...for once i really can't think of anything to blog about, lol!!! I'm outta ideas!!! I'm pretty sure you guys are bored as hell over the constant WoW ramblings that i've been having and that how sick i am and blah blah blah (as someone would put it :P). So instead of boring everyone with stuff that would hardly make sense to public in general i decided to blog about something more erm....general? And guess what? I can't think of anything, na-da, my mind is as blank as a white sheet of paper. Seeing how i ended up in this situation i will once again reiterate my life as a boring life, well at least to most people, however i'm still kinda happy....Now if only i had a job then i think i would be much happier, considering that i would have more money. And again, yes i know i should be looking for more job opportunities out there and all that...but seriously i can't really be stuffed. Don't get me wrong its not that i'm not looking and stuff, its just that i'm really picky about what kinda job i wanna get.

Here's the thing though, don't ever try to push me to move my slow ass any faster then its already moving. Cause if you did, its be a pain in the ass...after all that shoving and all that who also pain la. No, no...seriously, it'll just cause me to completely stop in my tracks and that would really make things worst. I guess its really true that i take a long time to make BIG decisions in life, hrm...not a very good sign, problem is maybe i think too much. Like if i were to get a job already leh, can i still play games, will i have enough time to go yum cha until wee hours of the morning, will i have enough energy during the weekends to go clubbing every once in awhile and the list goes on and on and on and on and on. And maybe a part of me doesn't really wanna let go of all of that, or rather i'm not prepared to let go of that. Getting a job is a big thing, its like a whole new chapter. Its like the culprit has been identified and now its time to catch the culprit kinda thing, its, its....its like watching a porno flick and you're reaching the climax scene but you know after that its gonna be over.....hrm, wait a sec that didn't sound quite right...Erm, but you know what i mean. Ah dilemma dilemma....what am i to do, i guess at the end of the day i'm just gonna wait until time will tell me the answer....then i'll move extremely fast on my own.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sick no more...Or am I?

I think i've finally lost my fever at long last, but somehow i still don't feel like i'm at 100% just yet and i can't really figure out what else is making me feel this way, cept for the slight sore throat and dry cough that i'm having. Whats worst is all this smoking isn't really helping my cough and throat get any better, i know that for a fact....and yet i don't care, i'll just continue to smoke my lungs out. Like i've mentioned in the previous post i have started to play WoW again, and today would mark a very important milestone that i have achieved. Through much hard work of saving money and resisting temptation of buying anything, i have finally been able to afford my epic mount!!! (Not like any of you guys would know what that is la). And now i'm traversing the world at the speed of light!!! hahahaha!!! But like many other MMORPGs this is but a stepping stone towards the long and never ending road to 'motekness'!!!

While i was sick i haven't gone out at all, as a matter of fact i think i haven't gone out in two days...and thats stepping out of the house. Maybe thats whats causing all this weird feeling that i'm still not feeling well yet, maybe i need to go out and grab some air. Oh well whose to say, but on the plus side at least i haven't been spending excessively this couple of days. But because of this i think i have gotten we wee bit more lazy as well, i hardly wanna move and i hardly wanna do anything else that would take me away from my 'routine'...which is bad. So when i got up, i thought that i'd give myself a kick in my own ass to jump start the day and get some work done, at least one of the many things i'm suppose to do. Else if mommy were to see me like this...tsk tsk tsk, i'm sure it would be more then my head that would be rolling. And so with all that said, i should start right now....Cheerz.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Still sick

Ok i'm still sick, couldn't bring myself to do anything because of this constant pain in my head and to mention all over my body as well, hrm...i wonder if i caught that bird flu thats been flying around? Like i've mentioned earlier it has been an awfully long while since i last got sick...lets not count all the minor stuff like slight fever, cough, flu, stomach aches and stuff like that. I'm talkin about sick that you just don't wanna do anything else but sleep kinda sick. So now that i got sick thats all i've been doing, laying in bed the whole day...watching some anime to pass time when i can't sleep and that basically sums up my day. I'm feeling much better now, cause if i didn't then i really wouldn't even bother typing this out...i'd just sleep, lol!!! Gawd i think i've been doing too much sleeping.

Anyways i just got back some motivation to start playing WoW again, so i'm just doing that. I've pretty much remained guildless in WoW for the whole time, but i finally decided to join a guild so therefore i am no longer guildless. I hope this would spark some new motivation to play, as i really wouldn't like my character to have gone down the drain...that would be too much of a waste considering the amount of (minimal) effort and time i have put in. On the other hand i am still actively searching for any job opportunities that i might be interested in, and i might just take up an offer from my friend to try and apply at the company he is currently tied to. I have been adviced that i should just 'spam' applications by many of my friends who have been out there working for some time now, and i guess you could say they speak with experience...Besides what do i have to lose right? (besides time and money taking public transport). So i guess i'm gonna need some luck looking for some kick ass job that i'm gonna like...while giving me some time off for myself to socialise and play WoW, hahaha.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Suddenly ill

I have no idea and i don't know how but all of a sudden i got sick. I really don't feel good at all and right now its like i'm fighting with every single strength that i have in me just to stand up. Funny thing is i felt fine the whole day, i wasn't over exposed to anything that might potentially cause me illness or harm recently so i find this change of events to be very surprising indeed. Oh well i guess its ok since it has been quite sometime since i last got my bodys' immune system better start working and get me back to tip top condition instead of slacking around like it normally does. Initially i thought that i'd take an aspirin to help me with my condition, when i went to get some medicine from the medicine shelf i noticed that the aspirin bottle is empty. It was then that i realised that yesterday my tennant had taken the last pill...Oh well, guess i'll have to go get it stocked up again. Hrm, think i better get some rest now...can't really do much anyway.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sleepy Cheek

I guess you could say i had the funniest experience ever yesterday, when i woke up sometime in the late afternoon yesterday i just sat on my make shift bed and stared blankly at my surroudings pondering on what am i gonna do for the day. After a good 10 minutes of just stoning there i finally got up to go freshen up a little bit...not more then 10 steps later i realised that i was walking kinda funny. A few more steps later and i was still waking kinda funny, it was then that i realised that my right ass cheek was still asleep...I always thought that that would never happen, i mean how could it right? Well i guess now i Maybe it kinda caught on to my lazyness and decided to just sleep in instead of waking up, something like me...know you gotta do something but just put it off and sleep more. As usual was a tuesday and tuesdays are maintenance days, so it was gonna be a boring day at least from WoW's perspective. You could say its a good thing because because then i could at least do some other clearing the HDD space on my desktop. But somehow nothing happened, and once again my procrastinating have gotten the better of me...sigh, what am i to do.