Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nose Gargle?

Bleh my mind is still pretty much blank...and i feel like i'm gonna get sick...again. Hrm, maybe i got a viral fever. Oh well whatever it is, i hope its just my paranoid self getting the better of me because honestly i really have no intentions to get sick (again) anytime soon. Not that its gonna affect anything i'm doing or anything like that, its just it'll be really shitty cause i won't be able to go out and i'll have to rely on friends to 'ta pow' food for me.

I was surfing around few days ago when i came across some strange product, its nose know like listerin cept that its for your nose. It comes in some little plastic thingy pretty much like eye-mo, and what you do is you squeeze the damn thing into your nostril and let it settle for awhile. Then you kinda like sniff it in into your mouth and spit it out....Hrm, just sounds wrong. For starters it sounds really painful to suck in some form on water from your nose (try that when swimming...see if you like it :P). And secondly its kinda gross to bring all the "contaminated" solution into your mouth and spit it out.....ewww!!! If you're interested though i read that from here. There's even i link to a commercial or something like that, check it out if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

oh noooooooooo

i cant imagine any liquid going into my nose n nostirls.. ok... no... im drowning!!!!!!


hahaha, yeah i feel the same way too smash :)