Monday, June 06, 2005

The Good and the Bad for 2 days.

So i was too tired to post anything yesterday so i decided to post yesterdays topic today instead. What the fuck you mean i'm lying!!??? How you know i'm lying huh??huh?? Got proof or not, simply say...hehehe, well ok la so i wasn't tired la. But its all Chang's fault, he passed to me WoW (world of warcraft)hahahaha. Eh don't anger yah i'm thoroughly enjoying the game, Oh and thanks alot for passing the game to me too and letting me play =D. Must get strong and kick some alliance ass!!! Thats for taunting me the other day, i tell you payback is a bitch and a half man so those fuckers had better watch out. Oh before i get too carried away with all my ramblings, i'd like to wish Shermie a very Happy Birthday!!! Yes it was his birthday yesterday and i would also like to thank Fever for buying all of us dinner, it was so kind of him. And just incase i forget, early birthday shout outs go to Paul "Box" all the way in the land down under. Eh Box don't stress so much with all the assignments leh...relax a bit la b'day go out and drink till you puke your guts out la or get laid (yeah i'm sure you'd like that, hehehe...then again so would i :P) or something, hahahaha. Ok now with that all aside...i'll continue with my daily nonsense.

First of what the FUCK is wrong with the weather today, damn fucking hot man...i turned on the tap just now to take a shower and the water was like boiling hot sial!!! Wah almost got like second degree burns man, lucky i was fast enough to jump out of harms way else ar i'll be wrapped around in bandages or something. Haih, how la not to get sick...suka suka rain like cibai, then after that hot like the damn sahara desert. Hope it rains later tonight or something so i can sleep nicely, been so hot again recently that i can't go to sleep...Just incase you people are wondering i unfortunately don't have the luxury to install an aircond in my room, and everyone thats been to my room complains that its like a damn sauna. So seriously la, rain abit la...mahemz, must call my friend up and make him sing already...As a matter of fact make him sing loud loud and long long some more. Rain until banjir also good, at least that way if really banjir kao kao then i no need to go classes. But don't over do it la, after end up like China rain until flood then people die. Not good la like that...actually should ask them to transport some rain here, like in 'One Piece' use the rain powder to steal rain from somewhere else...hahaha, if only got such thing. Hrm, or maybe got...and China using it to steal our rain...Those bastards!!!

On other fucked up news my fucking LCD dieded...Again!!! Actually i don't really think it died la, cause it happened before. Symptoms are refused to turn on, no power light as though the switch is not turned on. The last time it happened i thought it really died, then after i think 2 weeks i decided to just plug it in and try it out...and what you know, it worked....Like Magic!!!! So i just decided to give it some rest before i try plugging the damn thing in again. I was wondering right why would i want to endure this kind of silly shit effectively causing me and my friends great inconvenience when i pay a damn bomb for the stupid shit. Thats why la must be Samsung, they must have heard i've been bad mouthing their handphones so they gave me some defective product. But anyway thanks to my buddy Loren he let me use his 17" CRT for the time being, so nice the fella XD. Well its not flatscreen or anything but at least i won't be bored la when i'm at home...oh yeah i got no tv also wan thats why no pc means i'll rot to death at home. Can't wait for my notebook to come so i don't have to depend on this pc anymore since its already like half dead anyway...Oh shit look at the time, gotta go get ready for dinner, later y'all!!!


Wimal said...

oitz, whats the update on the notebook man? Mahai! since when China steal our rain!?! Those bastards! :P


no update leh, still hafta know me la, if i sure i buy d wan. China flooding mar, so must be they steal our rain la, hahaha.